Agent Snow Bunny
Blair Bodie joined Cat Call Choir because she feels that humor is a good tool in the fight for social change, the “ you catch more flies with honey” technique. Witty nursery rhymes stick in my head, I sing the lyrics over and over. Next thing I know I’m digesting the words and their true impact. It is a sneaky war tactic! If it works on me, it’s got to have an impact on others. The universality of the songs are Blair’s favorite part of being in the choir. It allows her to rehearse remotely from Montana, while simultaneously carrying out her duties as a new mom. Though she is careful to sing the clean lyrics to her little girl, Sierra. No need for her to hear cat calls before she crawls.

Araña Paprika
Lydia Clinton joined Cat Call Choir to expand her skills as a performer by incorporating her singing voice on the stage. She also wants to further recognize and identify the subtleties of gender-based harassment to not only protect herself but to encourage other sisters to stand up for themselves. What she enjoys about being in the choir are hearing the stories and ideas behind the songs and learning how to sing with the other strong heroines to make beautiful harmonies.

Ali Toia joined Cat Call Choir to be part of a community that uses the arts to give voice to women. She decided it was time to put her frustration about mansplaining into creative action. Singing at the Women’s March this year has been Ali’s favorite part of being in the choir because so many people from all ages and walks of life came together in solidarity to sing our songs to celebrate lady power.

Alexa Rae Manalansan joined Cat Call Choir to be a part of an empowering and creative group of women that uses the arts to share the truths of gender-based harassment. She is an active movement artist who loves singing and exploring new ways to express herself. Vocal exercises are Alexa’s favorite part of being in the choir because they bring the authentic weirdness out in everyone, and Alexa loves weird.

LucCat MoonWitch TroutWoman
Lucca Troutman is an electro-acoustic composer, director and performer originally from Hartford, Connecticut. Her multi-disciplinary work often explores themes of racial and sexual identity, femininity, spiritual transformation, the bodymind connection, ritual and myth, nature and love through intentional movement, theater and sound. She holds a BA in psychology and music from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts where she studied sociocultural psychology and music. She recently graduated with her MA in composition from Mills College where she refined her compositional and performance techniques under the tutelage of renowned experimental artists including Maggi Payne, Fred Frith, Nalini Ghulman, Willie Winant and Zeena Parkins. She currently resides in West Oakland where she teaches, creates and spends quality time with her hound dog, Ama.

Lulu D. Bauchery
Bhumi B. Patel joined Cat Call Choir to reclaim the power of words used to demoralize in gender-based harassment through song. She felt that this opportunity would be a healing and impactful step toward making change in what we accept as cultural norms. Congregating with all the intelligent, hilarious, beautiful fellow choir members is Bhumi's favourite part of being in the choir because it makes her feel less alone in the turmoil of the world.
DJ Voice Goddess
Tamika Banks joined Cat Call Choir to sing her face off while actively working through the uncomfortable shadowy parts of humanity. She feels that in this day and age finding a way to stand up for your beliefs in ways that both challenge and nurture your soul is vital to conscious growth. Sharing voice in a community of women is Mika's favorite part of being in the choir because it has been missing from her daily life for far too long.

Gigi Grit
Greta Hadley joined Cat Call Choir to work and play with other women who are passionate about bringing light to some of the dark bits of humanity by exploring and exposing them with a twist of oh so important humor and irony. Rehearsals are Greta’s favorite part of being in the choir because they are authentic encounters and explorations. It’s wonderful to see ideas take shape and come to life in collaboration.

Go-To-Hell Kitty
Maggie Kelley Connard joined Cat Call Choir to share an important message while having fun and getting to know some incredible people. Rehearsals are Maggie’s favorite part of being in the choir because she enjoys getting to use her voice again and loves working on a common goal with other fierce humans.

Jen Minore joined Cat Call Choir to challenge her her own ideas about gender-based harassment and how one should “respond”. She feels that mixing humor and music with a message that may be hard to hear is a great way to tell a story. Creating movement and song are Jen’s favorite part of being in the choir because everyone is pretty freakin skilled and she’s learning!

Kunty Voss
Heather Arnett created Cat Call Choir to use humor and storytelling to combat the anger and frustration that often accompanies being harassed. She thought that nursery rhymes and witty lyrics derived from real life stories would be a fresh way of challenging how our cultures understand and navigate harassment and consent. Open Rehearsals are Heather’s favorite part of being in the choir because it is rewarding to create a safe place where others can explore and share their own experiences of harassment through song, laughter and comradery.

Miss Lady
Chelsea Boyd Brown joined Cat Call Choir in order to bring awareness to gender-based harassment, sing about shared experiences with others, and to learn about others’ experiences. She strongly believes that art and community has the power to heal. When Chelsea is not singing with the choir, she is teaching dance, choreographing, performing, or hiking. Chelsea’s alter ego is Miss Lady because that’s the name that a cat caller gave her as she was walking to her first ever choir rehearsal! Learn about more of her other projects at www.chelseaboydbrowndance.com.

Sheena Miraftabi joined Cat Call Choir because she wanted to sing with a group of women while also expressing the effects of cat-calling in a way that informs and moves others. She believes that through art and storytelling we can communicate ideas that are felt rather than just heard. Rehearsals are Sheena’s favorite part of the choirt simply because they’re fun! Coming together with other women while singing for a shared purpose that we can all personally relate to is a unique and special experience.

Purry Puss
Rosanna Chiu joined Cat Call Choir because she appreciates the witty rhymes in the repertoire. She hopes that Cat Call Choir will be a place for women to come together and connect over gender equality issues and empower each other. Rehearsals are Rosanna’s favorite part of being in the choir because it’s fun to play with the material and have a ball.

Powerful Pussycat
Jenna joined Cat Call Choir to help exercise her frustration about our gender-biased society in a powerful, yet humorous way. She felt that this was the perfect way to incorporate her love for singing and standing up for women’s rights! Performances are Jenna’s favorite part of being in the choir because it’s empowering watching our audiences different reactions.

Momma Witch
Céline Alwyn Parker joined Cat Call Choir to put her experience of being a woman, a mother, and a performer to an empowering use. She felt it was an opportunity not to be missed to join the sisterhood in fighting back. Céline’s favorite part of being in the choir is simply being able to tell real stories, and noticing how others have since been emboldened to do the same.

Nastie Octave-ia
Emily Deckert joined Cat Call Choir to be part of a community dedicated to illuminating the ignored, blunt, and urgent realities of gender-based harassment. Through the work, Emily is humbled to represent not only her own perspective, but to learn, honor, and shed light on the stories of many others, recognizing that every experience is unique. Taking up space, laughing, and exploring the the art in an inclusive environment are Emily’s favorite parts of being in the choir because they make her feel free and authentic.

Nasty Momma
Mercilee Jenkins joined Cat Call Choir because she loves the idea of creating and singing satirical lyrics about sexual harassment with a group of feminists. She believes humor and performance are excellent strategies for reaching people and sharing experiences with them that can promote social change. Working with the other choir members is Lee’s favorite part of being in the choir because we invent new ways of expressing ourselves together.

Nom Nom Nommensen
Amelia Nommensen joined Cat Call Choir to play part in the unity of women turning the tables. The sweet serenade of female voices offering real harassment we hear on the streets, we hope shifts the perspective of listeners. Harmonies are Amelia’s favorite part of being in the choir because it’s the unique honest voice of each woman weaving together a net that strengthens the message.

Siren Suvanna
Sarah Stephen joined Cat Call Choir because she was enchanted by the concept of mingling sweet melodies with bitter truths. Singing in a state of complete vulnerability also provided her with an opportunity for personal growth and healing. Interacting with fellow Cat Call members is Sarah’s favorite part of being in the choir because she believes that sharing stories, tears, and laughs in order to make art with others is a sacred and profound experience. Although the choir’s repertoire is well-rehearsed and occasionally delivered in a saccharine manner, the meaning in each moment on and offstage is sincere. Sarah's alter ego is derived from Suvannamache, the golden mermaid of Indian folklore.

The Duchess
Molly Shapiro joined Cat Call Choir to use her passion for singing to empower other women to find their voices. She wants to be a part of a group that uses humor and wit to engage an audience into an important conversation about sexual harassment. Rehearsals are Molly’s favorite part of being in the choir because she gets to explore new ideas and sing with strong, independent women.

Wandering Witch
Jordan Wanderer joined Cat Call Choir to collaborate with other patriarchy smashing women artists. She believes the clever use of nursery rhymes is an immediate draw to engage audiences and continue the conversation around the spectrum of gender-based sexual harassment in a hilarious, creepy, and shockingly memorable way. Rehearsals are Jordan’s favorite part of being in the choir because it’s her weekly chance to reclaim the words used against her and to replenish and flourish in the supportive choir community.

Winged Wolf
Chelsea Marie Hill joined Cat Call Choir to unite with other wildflowers... women who have fire in their veins and courage inside to use movement and melody to awaken the public to collective, habitual harassment. The fierce approach to reveal the paradox of street side mannerisms deflating common decency and kindness reveal a paradox; an eclipse of the human condition. While these words tear some women apart, we recreate the harassment into rhythms that bond women universally. Liberating women’s voices and bodies, and embedding comedy into advocacy is Chelsea’s favorite part of being in the choir. It can be eerie and equally empowering all in one rush to sing cat calls to children’s rhymes, but exploring the silliness within the somber permits imperfection, authenticity, and promotes that humor is always healing when delivered with kindness and curiosity.