Cat Call Choir is currently working on a digital archive of solos about gender based violence. Stay tuned for their release Fall 2020.
March 7-10 2019 at Z Space in San Francisco
Nevertheless is an evening length performance that surveys the field of gender-based harassment from the subtle to the violent, in a marriage of song and dance, comedy and horror. Presented at Z Space at 450 Florida Street in San Francisco, CA. This project is a collaboration between social justice performance group, Cat Call Choir, and contemporary dance company, ka·nei·see | collective.
Tickets on sale now at http://www.zspace.org/nevertheless
Me Too & Her & They
Cat Call Choir was honored to make a guest appearance at Me Too & Her & They sponsored by The Women's Building in San Francisco Wednesday, November 14th 2018 where it premiered the crowd pleasing: The No Song.
Me Too & Her & They was an evening of inspiration and motivation as we all work together to end sexual assault and harassment.
RAW Presents:
Cat Call Choir made a guest artist appearance at this SAFEhouse sponsored performance with a medley of songs about parts featuring their new song Put The Dick Away.
They shared the evening with fellow artist Chelsea Boyd Brown who presented “Bodies of Water”. and eMotion Arts that presented two new works that reflect on society's current social issues utilizing Ballet's aesthetic.
Sponsored by RAW (resident artist workshop), a residency program of SAFEhouse for the Performing Arts.
Breasts: A fantastic exploration of art and identity
Cat Call Choir was thrilled to perform a brief set of songs for this curated art show about breasts at PUBLIC WORKS in San Francisco Friday April 27TH, 2018.
Sponsored by EJC Artshows this event was all about the things, ideas and shapes that make breasts and the people who have them such fantastic and timeless works of art.